Finding the right therapist can be a daunting task. However, there is good news! As the saying goes… “We can’t pick our family, but we can pick our…” therapist!
I provide individual therapy for ages 10 & up and specialize in relational/couples therapy. I hold a Bachelor’s of Science in Dance with a minor in Alcohol & Drug Studies, Masters of Arts in Marriage & Family Therapy from Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota, and a Graduate Certificate in Sex Therapy at the University of Wisconsin-Stout.
As a relational and couples therapist, I draw from my personal experience to support multiple perspectives. Growing up in a mixed religious and cultural household, I have a passion for helping people navigate differences. Some of these might be conflicting political, financial, spiritual/religious values. In couples/relational counseling, my goal is to help each partner feel heard and respected as we work toward a resolution. This may include remaining together or choosing to separate. While each have different trajectories, I will support the paths my clients choose. Whether the issues are financial stress and budgeting, in-laws (What?! You don’t like your mother-in-law?), conflicting family traditions, or backseat driving, I am here to support it all.
I have extensive experience working with the LGBTQ+ and poly-identified communities. From my work with the queer community, I have also worked with many survivors of religious trauma. The conflict between identity and religion often impacts individuals who are part of the non-dominant culture. Survivors of Adverse Religious Experiences (ARE) may have experienced familial abandonment, community isolation, misinformation from their education, and financial manipulation/abuse.
I have also worked with survivors of conversion “therapy”, which also is known as “ex-gay therapy”, “reparative therapy”, the goal of which is to change a person’s sexual and/or gender orientation. In Minnesota, the cities of Duluth, Minneapolis, Red Wing, Robbinsdale, Saint Paul, West Saint Paul, and Winona have banned conversion therapy and the United Nations classifies it as torture. However, there are still spaces where this dangerous intervention is practiced. I am passionate about helping individuals find peace, safety, and validation for their identity. One way I do so is by helping clients build their community, whether that’s healing wounds with family or creating a chosen family.
Before becoming a therapist, I completed my undergraduate degree in Dance, specializing in performance and choreography. I continue to work in the performing arts and utilize movement in my clinical practice. There are several therapeutic modalities supported by clinical research that proves physical movement is crucial in the healing process. Instead of working from the brain to the body, I investigate where the body is holding past experiences and how that informs cognitive thoughts, feelings, and moods. Together we will discuss nutrition, exercise, and mindfulness practices to not only strengthen the mind/body connection but better improve your overall quality of life.
Until meeting someone in person, it is hard to know if the connection feels warm and inviting. Together, we will work to find the right therapist for you, regardless if that’s me or another clinician. I commend you on beginning your journey to growth and healing.
Training and Certifications:
- Masters of Arts – Marriage and Family Therapy
- Graduate Certificate- Sex Therapy
- Bachelor’s of Science-Dance and Alcohol & Drug Studies
- Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT 200)
Focus Areas:
- Children, Teens, and Young Adults
- Sexuality and Gender Identities and Exploration
- Relationship Concerns
- Religious Trauma
- Dance/Movement Integration
- Art Modalities
- Yoga Practices
- Substance Use
Sophie’s Book Recommendations:
- 52 Lessons on Communicating Love by Dr. Ruth K. Westheimer
- Hold Me Tight by Sue Johnson
- Attached by Amir Levine
- Unorthodox by Deborah Feldman
- Gender Book by J. Mays and Mel Reiff Hill (free download at http://thegenderbook.com)
- Come as You Are & Come As You Are-Workbook by Emily Nagoski
- Leaving the Fold by Marlene Winell