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How Do I Tell My Man He Needs Therapy?

It’s a question that echoes through countless conversations, particularly among cisgender women in heterosexual relationships with cisgender men. If you’ve found yourself grappling with this dilemma of how to tell your man he needs therapy, you’re not alone. 

Let’s dive into some strategies that can help you broach this sensitive topic and potentially transform your partner’s perspective on mental health support.

1. Tackling the Stigma of “Therapy for Men” Head-On

Picture this: Your partner, raised in a world where “real men don’t cry,” is suddenly faced with the suggestion of therapy. It’s no wonder he might balk at the idea! The stigma surrounding mental health, especially for men, is like an invisible barrier we need to dismantle brick by brick.

Start by normalizing conversations about mental health in your daily life. Share articles, discuss public figures who’ve openly talked about their therapy experiences, or even casually mention friends who’ve found therapy helpful. By creating an environment where mental health is just another aspect of overall well-being, you’re laying the groundwork for more personal discussions with your man about needing therapy.

Pro tip: Next time you’re watching a movie or TV show that portrays therapy positively, use it as a springboard for conversation. “Hey, isn’t it great how they’re showing therapy in a helpful light? What do you think about that?”

2. Reframing Therapy as a Power-Up, Not a Fix-Up

Icon with arrow pointing up and words "Level Up". Therapy for men in Plymouth, MN is a level up or a power up, not something to run away from. Get help from a men's therapist near the Twin Cities here!

Many men pride themselves on being problem-solvers and achievers. So, why not present therapy in a language that resonates with this mindset? Instead of framing therapy as a remedy for something “broken,” position it as a tool for leveling up in life.

Try saying something like, “You know how you’ve been working on improving your fitness? Therapy is like hiring a personal trainer for your mind. It’s about becoming the best version of yourself, not fixing something that’s wrong.”

Highlight how therapy can enhance performance at work, improve relationships, and help achieve personal goals. Who doesn’t want to be a better partner, friend, or professional?

3. Showcasing the Practical Perks of Therapy for Men

Let’s get down to brass tacks. Men often appreciate concrete, tangible benefits. So, spell out how therapy can address specific issues in his life.

Is he struggling with work stress? Mention how therapy can provide strategies for better stress management. Communication issues? Highlight how therapy can equip him with tools to express himself more effectively. By focusing on practical outcomes, you’re making therapy feel less abstract and more like a solution-oriented approach.

Real-life example: “Remember how frustrated you were after that misunderstanding with your boss last week? A therapist could help you develop communication strategies to prevent those situations and handle them better when they do occur.”

4. The Power of Words: Choosing the Right Language

Young businessman has headache while working overtime with laptop at home office late night. Stressed depressed freelancer touching his head, feeling pain in eyes. Get help from a men's therapist near the Twin Cities here!

Sometimes, it’s not about what you say, but how you say it. Perhaps telling your man he needs therapy isn’t going to work. The word “therapy” might carry baggage for some men. So, why not try on some different terms for size?

Instead of “therapy,” you could suggest:

  • “Mental fitness training”
  • “Life strategy sessions”
  • “Personal development coaching”
  • “Emotional intelligence consultations”

Find a term that feels comfortable and aligns with his worldview. Remember, the goal is to get him in the door – once he experiences the benefits, the label becomes less important.

5. Baby Steps: The Power of Starting Small

The idea of committing to long-term therapy can be overwhelming. So, why not propose a trial run? Suggest attending just one or two sessions to “see how it feels.” This low-pressure approach can make the idea much more palatable.

It often takes just a session or two to know if you click with a therapist. And while 4-6 sessions might be needed to see long-term benefits, even a single session can provide valuable insights and demystify the process.

Try saying: “What if you just tried one session? No pressure, no commitment. Just a chance to see what it’s like and if you connect with the therapist. You’ve got nothing to lose and potentially a lot to gain.”

6. Be His Cheerleader: Offering Tangible Support

Upset couple needing therapy for men. Get help from a men's therapist near the Twin Cities here!

Taking that first step towards therapy can feel like a leap into the unknown. Your support can be the safety net that makes it feel manageable, even after telling your man he needs therapy.

Offer to help research therapists in your area (starting with Plymouth, MN based virtual therapists in Minnesota here). You could even create a shortlist of potential therapists based on his preferences and needs. If he’s nervous about the first session, offer to accompany him to the waiting room or even join for a portion of the session if the therapist allows.

Remember, your role is to support, not to push. Let him know you’re there to help in whatever way he’s comfortable with. You’ve already done the hard part of helping tell your man he needs therapy. We’ll cheer you on!

7. Exploring the Therapy Buffet

Therapy isn’t one-size-fits-all. There’s a whole menu of options out there, and one might appeal more to your partner than others.

Consider introducing him to different types of therapy:

  • Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT): Great for those who appreciate a structured, goal-oriented approach.
  • Mindfulness-Based Therapies: Perfect for the man who’s intrigued by meditation or Eastern philosophies.
  • Group Therapy: For those who might find comfort in shared experiences.
  • Couples Therapy: If relationship issues are a concern, suggesting you both attend together can make it feel like a team effort.
  • Online Therapy: Ideal for busy schedules or those who prefer the comfort of their own space.

Remember, encouraging a man to seek therapy is often a gradual process. It’s about consistently promoting the benefits of mental health care and creating an environment where seeking help is seen as a strength, not a weakness. Your patience, understanding, and support can play a crucial role in this journey.

By having these conversations and offering your support, you’re not just potentially improving his life – you’re contributing to a broader shift in how our society views mental health and masculinity. And that’s something truly powerful.

Ready to Start Men’s Therapy in Plymouth, MN?

Finding a therapist who is a good fit is important. Research shows that most of the progress you make in therapy comes from your connection with the therapist. Getting counseling for men in our Plymouth, MN therapy office is easy. With men’s therapy, our team specializes in mental health issues to provide you with as much support as possible. Begin men’s therapy with these simple steps:

  1. Schedule a free therapy consultation to talk and get started
  2. Meet with a caring men’s therapist
  3. Begin your journey to start healing and feeling more like your best possible self.

Other Counseling Services at Radiant Living Therapy

At Radiant Living Therapy, we understand what you’re going through, and provide counseling for men to address your needs. Also, the therapists at our Plymouth, MN counseling office offer other mental health services such as anxiety and depression counselingteen therapyEMDR for trauma therapy, and skilled couples therapyCheck out our therapist blog or learn more about our team of expert therapists! Let us help you live your best life!